Are you a creative individual who has a passion for original design, impeccable technique, and an interest in joining a collective of people who are driven by similar interests? Then you may want to Jury to become a member of Artisans Northwest.
We are a self juried collective of Artists and Artisans that have been working together for over 45 years. We pride ourselves on our one of a kind creations, mentorship from existing members to new, and community relationships
from our current Selection Chair
Susan Wright-Cassan
Over the years, Artisans Northwest has grown to be Thunder Bay's largest and oldest juried art and fine craft organization and is governed by a Constitution. Artisans Northwest provides a professional outlet for more than 80 artisans with one major show each year.
We are always looking for new members who create unique and quality work. Before membership is offered to you, a Selection Committee must jury your work to ensure that the work meets the standards of creativity, originality, and workmanship.
If your work is accepted, you will be offered membership into Artisans Northwest. We also require in your first year as a member that you participate in our Artisans Northwest Art and Fine Craft Show, which is held annually in November. Once you have completed the Membership Application Form and paid your annual membership fee, your membership is then activated.
Membership is renewed annually. Once you are a member, you do not have to have your products juried again unless you wish to submit work in a different medium, add new products that are substantially different from the current ones, or you do not renew your membership and wish to reapply at a later date.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to hearing from you and the work you create.
Susan Wright-Cassan
Selection Committee Chairperson Artisans Northwest
email: woodnewe@tbaytel.net
Please fill out this form to ask Susan any questions you have about the next jury, when it is, how you should prepare, etc.
What do you do once you have applied to be a member? what do you do now?
On the jury date,
Please bring 3-7 original works in your selected medium that you wish to have reviewed by the Selection Committee . These works should be brought to the jury location at the drop off time. You should be prepared to arrange an attractive display for jury purposes. Please ensure that you have representative samples of the entire price range of your work.
If it is not possible for you to bring items in personally, please arrange to have a family member or friend bring and setup them up. If you live outside of Thunder Bay, you may send detailed photos, (JPEG in high resolution with multiple angles of each piece please) to me at the email address below.
Information for the Prospective Member
For our purposes, medium* is defined as 'the mode of artistic expression'. You must submit at least 3- 5 original works in your selected medium. High quality digital images are acceptable, but actual work is preferred. It is easier to judge quality and workmanship with an actual product. Images must include close-ups, or you take the chance of their not being considered. We must be notified in advance if you are submitting images so that we can arrange to have the appropriate equipment available.
We also require some background information on you and your work. A few months before the jury date we have a form on this page for you to fill out about your work. During this pre jury time you would also pay the fee to jury your work.
Two checks or or etransfers, one for $15.00 and the other for $15.00 are paid to apply. The first payment is the non-refundable jury application fee. If your work is accepted, the second cheque or etransfer for $15.00 pays for the rest of your membership fee for the year. If your work is not accepted, the second payment for $15.00 will be returned to you.
If you have questions about this process please contact me at woodnewe@tbaytel.net
If paying by etransfer Joan our treasurer will require a password to accept it, please send your password in an email to Joan before you send your payment
Please note that:
● The work must be the result of an original idea, interpretation, and design.
● Items assembled from kits are not acceptable.
● No products that are a direct copy from a pattern are allowed.
● No reselling of other people's work is allowed.
● Items using found objects are only acceptable when the found objects have been transformed with creativity and technical proficiency to form a new entity and are acceptable to the Jury.
● Items made from commercial molds, patterns and findings are not acceptable unless
a) the original mold is the design and product of the craftsperson
b) the commercial mold, pattern, or finding is subordinate to the design and is acceptable to the Jury.
● All scented products must be individually wrapped, except for one sample of each.
● Any items that have not been accepted by the Selection Committee and are for sale at our show will have to be removed (unless that product is strictly for enhancement/display purposes only).
● Assistants involved in the creation/design of the product are also required to be juried and pay a separate membership fee.
Artisans Northwest Membership Information
Once you become a member of Artisans Northwest, it is required in your first year that you participate in our Arts & Fine Craft Show, which is held in November. You will be provided with an application form and information regarding the show. You should be aware of the following information:
●The registration fee for an 8’X 10’ space at the show is set annually. This fee is used to pay for expenses for the show. Most shows charge a registration fee such as this.
●You must collect Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) where applicable.
●Personal liability insurance is advised. Artisans Northwest carries Insurance for our Board of Directors and our annual event.
● It would be advisable to have a range of prices.
●Often it takes time to establish yourself in the Artisans community so do not be discouraged if your sales are not high at first. Sometimes this may take 5-7 years for your client base to develope and build.
●Memberships are renewed at the AGM in February/March of each year, where your membership fee of $30 is due to be paid before the start of our AGM.
Your membership fee goes to offset costs associated with Artisans Northwest. When you pay for a space at the Art & Fine Craft Show you receive:
●The opportunity to participate in the only juried show in Northwestern Ontario
●Exposure to a large audience that is looking for quality creations
● Extensive advertising
●Information sharing, resources, and opportunities for other shows
● The opportunity to participate in a non-profit organization
●The opportunity to network with colleagues in the artistic community, in person and through social media
●Year round contact with the public through the Artisans Northwest website and social media.
●The opportunity to join committees or the executive, learn about many facets of an art collective, and show production